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Table 13 Medical History, as reported by parents (n = 73)

From: Safety and efficacy of oral DMSA therapy for children with autism spectrum disorders: Part A - Medical results

Maternal Fish Consumption (servings/month)

2.85 +/- 2.9

Mercury Amalgams present during pregnancy

3.12 +/- 3.5

Mercury amalgams placed during pregnancy


Mercury amalgams removed during pregnancy


Placed during Nursing


Removed during Nursing


Antibiotic usage during pregnancy (rounds)

0.67 +/- 1.5

Antibiotic usage during nursing (rounds)

0.39 +/- 0.83

Child usage of oral antibiotics


0-6 months

0.76 +/- 1.2

7-12 months

1.63 +/- 2.9

12-24 months

2.04 +/- 3.0

24-36 months

1.82 +/- 2.0

Total 0-36 months

5.4 +/- 6.1

Ear Infections 0-36 months

3.5 +/- 4.3

Blood Type

33% A+, 4% A-, 11% B+, 2%B- 4%AB+, 22%O+, 22%O-

Rhogam use


Reactions to vaccines

38% none, 44% mild, 10% moderate, 7% severe

Eating/Licking Paint

7% mild, 4% moderate, 5% severe


16% mild, 8% moderate, 16% severe

Pregnancy Complications

31% mild, 9% moderate, 9% severe

Birth Complications

23% mild, 11% moderate, 11% severe

Childhood Illness

10% mild, 4% moderate, 6% severe


28% no regression, 30% possible regression age 18.2 +/- 7.8 mo, 42% regression (age 20.8 +/- 16 mo