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Table 2 Quality of reporting according to compared groups in randomised clinical trials.

From: Reporting randomised clinical trials of analgesics after traumatic or orthopaedic surgery is inadequate: a systematic review

RCT (n = 92)

CONSORT checklist

Mean score (sd)

Placebo control group


Yes (n = 42)

11.36 (2.59)

No (n = 50)

9.92 (2.67)

Statistical significance

p = 0.011

Analgesics compared


NSAIDs (n = 46)

10.59 (3.01)

Opioids (n = 10)

11.70 (2.31)

NSAIDs vs. Opioids (n = 19)

10.11 (2.28)

NSAIDs + opioids vs. NSAIDs and/or opioids (n = 17)

10.41 (2.57)

Statistical significance

p = 0.511