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Table 2 Translation and adaptation of the Swedish SAQ Community pharmacy version

From: Assessing Safety Culture in Pharmacies: The psychometric validation of the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ) in a national sample of community pharmacies in Sweden

SAQ version




Swedish Community pharmacy

Back-translation of Swedish version


Team work:


My input is well received in this clinical area.

Mina synpunkter och förslag - min input - tas väl emot på det här apoteket.

My views and suggestions - my input - is well received in this pharmacy.

The word "input" is sometimes used in Swedish, and it was hence kept but supported by an explanatory Swedish wording.

In this pharmacy, it is difficult to speak up if I perceive a problem with patient care.

Om jag upptäcker problem med läkemedelshanteringen är det svårt att säga ifrån på det här apoteket. (Med läkemedelshantering avses all verksamhet som har med läkemedel att göra, som exempelvis varuhantering och expedition, i både receptur och egenvård).

If I detect problems with medication management, it is difficult to address this, in this pharmacy. (The term "medication management" refers to all activities that have to do with medication, such as product management and expediting of both prescriptions and over-the -counter products).

The original "patient care" was transformed into "handling medications", since patient care is difficult to interpret in this context; in Swedish pharmacies. The statement was also supported by an explanatory sentence, clarifying the definition of "handling medications".

Safety climate:


I would feel safe being treated here as a patient

Jag skulle känna mig trygg som kund här.

I would feel safe as a customer here.

Customer, rather than patient, is the common word in Swedish community pharmacies.

I receive appropriate feedback about my performance.

Jag får konstruktiv återkoppling - feedback - på det arbete jag utför.

I receive constructive feedback for the work I do.

The word "feedback" is sometimes used in Swedish, and it was hence kept but supported by an explanatory Swedish wording.

In this pharmacy, it is difficult to discuss errors.

På det här apoteket är det svårt att diskutera misstag.

In this pharmacy it is difficult to discuss mistakes.

Mistakes include not only errors but also near misses.

Stress Recognition:


Fatigue impairs my performance during emergency situations.

Trötthet försämrar min arbetsinsats i pressade situationer.

Fatigue impairs my performance in trying situations.

Emergency situations are rare in community pharmacies.

Working conditions:


All the necessary information for therapeutic decisions is routinely available to me.

Jag har rutinmässigt tillgång till den information som krävs för att bedöma huruvida en förskrivning är rimlig.

I normally have access to the information needed for judging whether a prescription is reasonable.

The original sentence is not relevant in Swedish pharmacies and had to be rephrased.